20 best museums in Sochi


The pearl of the Russian Black Sea coast attracts tourists with its picturesque nature, developed infrastructure, interesting sights and an abundance of entertainment for every taste. At the disposal of the guests of the resort there are many places where you can informally and entertainingly spend time with the whole family. Numerous museums in Sochi make it possible to significantly diversify the cultural program of recreation.

Visiting exhibitions and galleries gives you the opportunity to feel the rich history and culture of the peoples of the Krasnodar Territory. The city has preserved monuments of architecture, within the walls of which are collected unique ancient and valuable exhibits. The estates that belonged to famous people of their time deserve special attention. The expositions of Sochi institutions will help their guests broaden their horizons of knowledge and learn many interesting facts.

Museum of the history of the resort town of Sochi

Located in a historic building with beautiful Corinthian columns. It was founded in 1920 and is one of the oldest cultural and educational institutions in the Krasnodar Territory. There are unique exhibits that introduce visitors to the history of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, the cultural traditions of the multinational population and the natural values ​​of the region.

The exposition consists of over 4 thousand unique items, artifacts and archaeological finds. In fourteen thematic halls, collections of cold arms and firearms, antique gold jewelry and medieval coins, household items and works of art, photographs and documents are collected. One of the sections of the institution is devoted to the diversity of flora and fauna. In an impromptu aquarium, stuffed animals of various inhabitants of the deep sea "float".

Of interest are the exhibits that tell the audience about the revolutionary change of power after the First World War, the period of the Great Patriotic War, as well as the formation of the city as an All-Union health resort. The exhibition "Man and Space" is especially popular. Spacesuits, space suits, special items of life support for astronauts are kept in the hall.

Art Museum

Occupies luxurious premises of one of the most impressive architectural monuments of federal significance. The majestic building, erected in 1936, is a masterpiece of the classical renaissance. Entering through the monumental four-pillar pediment portico, tourists will be introduced to an impressive collection of fine art from antiquity to modern times.

The exhibition halls have collected about 6,000 exhibits. These are paintings, icons, graphics, sculptures, handicrafts and arts and crafts. The collection is based on paintings by prominent Russian artists of the 19th-20th centuries. Here you can see the works of I. Aivazovsky, I. Shishkin, V. Serov, V. Polenov and many other famous masters of painting.

Products made of porcelain, majolica, lacquer miniatures, as well as jewelry allow you to get the most out of the cultural values ​​of people who lived in bygone eras. Sarmatian swords, horse harness, antique silver and other items that have been hidden under the ground for centuries leave a special impression. Three halls are equipped with modern equipment, with the help of which 3D images of various sculptures and paintings are created.

Garden-Museum "Tree of Friendship"

The history of the creation of the garden-museum "Tree of Friendship" dates back to 1934, when the scientist F. Zorin decided to conduct a unique selection experiment. He planted a lemon tree, in the crown of which were grafted cuttings of Spanish orange, Japanese mandarin, Chinese kinkan, American grapefruit and some other citrus varieties.

Since then, the extraordinary tree, attracting attention with its amazing appearance, has become a real symbol of friendly relations between the peoples of the whole world. The citrus plant grows about 650 branches, grafted by guests from 167 countries. A picturesque garden is laid out around the botanical wonder, where 60 more trees are planted. The planting was attended by international politicians, artists, scientists, athletes, writers from all over the world.

A walk through the ennobled territory among subtropical plants leaves a pleasant impression. A complex is open next to the garden, which is filled with all kinds of souvenirs. They were brought by guests from abroad as a gift to the “Tree of Friendship. These are coins, badges, photographs, boxes, figurines, key chains, letters and much more. More than 20 thousand gifts are kept in total.

Tea houses

The so-called Tea Houses are a popular excursion object of the famous resort pearl of Russia. Among the dense thickets of the forest there is a wooden teremok, in which the dwelling of a wealthy merchant is recreated. In this intimate place, guests can enjoy traditional Russian tea drinking with a smoking samovar, delicious sweets and folk songs.

Tourists will have the opportunity to taste Krasnodar tea with a pleasant tart taste and bright aroma. It is grown on the slopes of the Caucasus Mountains in a picturesque valley. The tea house, erected without a single nail, consists of several rooms. The interiors immerse guests in the atmosphere of the 19th century. They reflect the culture and life of the Russian people.

The walls of the premises are decorated with exquisite Vologda lace, as well as Palekh, Khokhloma and Gorodets painting. The first floor is reserved for the tasting room. Visitors are treated to several types of tea with pies, honey, jam and other dishes. The second floor of the building is occupied by an exhibition of interesting handicrafts. These are all kinds of picturesque panels, pottery, samovars, porcelain sets, cups, Dymkovo toys, Zhostovo trays. It is worth looking into the parlor, where glass figurines and lacquer miniatures are collected.

Dacha I.V. Stalin

In the national park of the Khosta district of Sochi, there is one of the 18 country residences of the “father of peoples” - Joseph Stalin. This is the only dacha that has the official status of a museum. The two-storey mansion was erected in the shape of the letter P on the top of a mountain range between the impressive beauty of the Agursky gorge and the Matsesta valley.

The facade of the building is painted in a dull green color. The well-groomed area where the building stands is literally buried in the greenery of lush palms, magnolias and pines. It is generally accepted that the Soviet leader had a special affection for the Black Sea coast. At this Sochi dacha, he loved to relax and receive high-ranking guests.

The exterior and interior of the residence have been preserved in their original form. Tourists as part of an excursion group can see the interiors of the premises and pieces of furniture that reflect the character and lifestyle of I.V. Stalin. Attention is drawn to the strict, simple and ascetic setting, which testifies to the dislike of the "leader" of pompous luxury.

The guide will take visitors to the office of the head of the USSR, where you can see a large table, a wardrobe, a narrow sleeping bed and a leather sofa. A silver writing set donated by Mao Zedong is of historical value. Dinners and receptions were held in a fireplace room with a unique wooden ceiling, which gives the room the perfect acoustics.

View tower

It is popular among tourists and guests of the View Tower resort. The structure was erected in 1977 on Mount Battery, which rises above the central area of ​​the city. The building is 20 meters high.During the Great Patriotic War, instead of the tower, artillery pieces were placed, which later gave rise to the name of the mountain.

From here, an amazing panoramic view of the areas built up with residential buildings with their streets and lanes, the Caucasus Mountains and the vast expanses of the Black Sea opens up. The view tower resembles skillfully woven lace in its appearance. Its facade is faced with natural white stone. Today the building is a small branch of the Sochi Museum of History.

Grandmother's hut

A private institution founded by winemaker Roman Veslovsky. In memory of his grandmother, the entrepreneur decided to restore an old house of the 40s and recreate original historical interiors in it. Furniture and household items, dishes of the Soviet era and a stove, tools and other various rare things - all this will certainly evoke a bright feeling of nostalgia in visitors. Winemaking is a Roman family tradition.

The owner kindly invites his guests to have a tasting of homemade alcoholic products. The hut has a cellar filled with oak barrels and glass bottles. A wide range of table, dessert and strong wines is presented here. In moderate doses, try chacha and currant, strawberry and raspberry tinctures. Delicious treats are always prepared for drinks.

Dacha of the singer V.V.Barsova

The list of interesting places in the resort, where tourists are recommended to go, includes the estate of the opera singer Valeria Barsova. The People's Artist of the USSR was the star of the Bolshoi Theater opera stage. She became famous thanks to her gentle and strong voice, which I.V. himself admired. Stalin. From 1947 to 1967, the artist lived in Sochi and took an active part in the cultural life of the city.

A two-story summer cottage with an outbuilding and beautiful window openings was erected for her. The first floor of the building is occupied by an exposition dedicated to the biography and creative activities of the artist. The interior decoration immerses visitors in a luxurious atmosphere. The interiors are decorated with high ceilings, stucco elements, columns with capitals, parquet floors and large windows with shutters.

The collection is based on authentic items that belonged to the legendary singer. In the exhibition hall you can see records, concert dresses, books, a piano, rare furniture. Photos, manuscripts and posters are kept behind the glass showcases of the stands. The unique recordings of the singing of the opera diva are of particular value.

Museum of N. A. Ostrovsky

Tourists can diversify their cultural program of recreation by visiting the literary and memorial museum dedicated to the outstanding Soviet writer Nikolai Ostrovsky. A series of illnesses and accidents led the active young man to a complete loss of vision and the ability to move. The incredible fortitude and vitality allowed Ostrovsky to work hard and realize himself in the most difficult circumstances.

In 1935, the Soviet government presented the writer with a dacha in Sochi, where the last years of the life of the author of the famous novel How the Steel Was Tempered passed. After the death of the writer, an exhibition of items belonging to N. Ostrovsky was opened. The exposition occupies the premises of the estate, where the original atmosphere of the 30s of the XX century is carefully preserved.

The rooms contain original rare furniture and dishes. Old books, newspaper clippings, photographs, household items, clothing and many other exhibits are presented for public viewing. One of the rooms in the dacha served the writer as an office, dining room, living room and bedroom at the same time. There is a table and a sideboard next to the narrow bed. Here you can see a Mercedes typewriter, a gramophone with records, a bookcase and a writing set.

Museum of ceramics of Yuri Novikov

A private studio of ceramics and painting, created by the talented Sochi artist Yuri Novikov, hospitably opens its doors. His works are true masterpieces of art that are recognized throughout the world. In the skillful hands of the master, the clay, created according to his own recipe, turned into magnificent products and sculptures.

The exhibition space is located in the halls of Yu. Novikov's own house. The studio has an impressive collection of works by the ceramic artist. It consists of picturesque paintings, ceramic statues, wall dishes, vases and interior compositions. The works are striking in their various forms and colorful paintings.

The main value of the exhibition is a six-meter tiled stove. For its cladding, about 600 tiles were used, differing from each other in original images and ornaments. In the studio, visitors can learn the technical side of the clay preparation process.

USSR Museum

Tourists of any age will be interested in going to the USSR Museum, which has moved from the Olympic Park to Flag Square. This cultural and educational institution allows you to plunge into the atmosphere of the socialist past. The exposition is designed to evoke nostalgic feelings in the adult generation who grew up in those days, as well as to tell young people about the life and culture of Soviet citizens.

Witnesses of a bygone era will remember their childhood and youth when they see such familiar everyday objects. The museum fund has about 5,000 exhibits, which are over 40 years old. These are all kinds of symbols of the USSR, toys, musical instruments, goods, magazines, books, dishes, kitchen utensils, clothes, busts, furniture, household appliances and many other things.

A whole toy fleet of cars, bicycles, tractors, mopeds and strollers is assembled on the shelves. A separate corner is dedicated to curious locations. A room with a furniture set and a sideboard filled with dishes has been recreated here. It will be interesting to see the kitchen in the apartment, a school class with desks, a deli with groceries, weights and abacus, as well as a hairdressing salon.

One of the halls exhibits tube receivers, tape recorders, televisions with picture tubes and music players. Slot machines such as "Hockey", "Tankodrom", "Sea Battle" are especially popular. It is impossible to pass by the apparatus with soda water. Fitness lovers will love the sports corner, which features exercise machines and kettlebells. For a moment, you can become a Soviet tourist: climb into a tarpaulin tent and try on a backpack.

Auto Museum

Many surprises await guests of the Olympic Park, including a visit to the Auto Museum. The former House of Fans of the Russian national team houses an impressive collection of Soviet vintage cars. Each carefully restored model is associated with the most interesting historical information.

In total, more than a hundred domestic cars produced in 1930-1990 are exhibited. The spacious pavilion displays the legendary "Seagulls" and "Victory", "Muscovites" and "Zhiguli", "Volga" and "Cossacks", government limousines and cars from the Great Patriotic War.

The collection is rich in trucks, motorcycles, disabled women, as well as special equipment for firefighters, doctors and police officers. Among the models, the first car that was produced in the USSR deserves attention. Its body is made of wood, hiding sturdy armor. It will be curious to see how the design of the machines has changed over time, and what materials were used for their production.

Mechanical Museum of Leonardo da Vinci

Guests of the resort pearl of Russia can have an exciting time in the Mechanical Museum of Leonardo da Vinci. The exposition is based on various inventions of Russian scientists and historians, inspired by the ideas of the legendary personality. Many models were assembled according to the drawings of the great Italian.

Inspection of the collection of engineering items and mechanisms is held under the guidance of a professional guide who will demonstrate the devices in action and tell interesting information about them. It will be interesting to learn the history of da Vinci's achievements in the field of mechanics. At the entrance to the pavilion, visitors are greeted by reproductions of the most famous paintings by Leonardo.

In the exhibition space, you can personally contemplate a perpetual motion machine, a glider, a catapult, a crossbow, a ship, a folding bridge, an armored van, a stone thrower and many other exhibits that cause a lot of positive emotions. Guests of the educational institution are given the opportunity to independently test each invention in order to make sure of its efficiency and effectiveness.

Nikola Tesla Electric Museum

Spectacular scientific experiments, visual taming of the electric element, impressive attractions and unique exhibits - all this awaits the guests of the Nikola Tesla Museum. Here adults and children will find activities to their liking. They will take part in interactive show programs, witness the wireless transmission of energy, see a documentary about the life and work of the brilliant scientist of his time.

The pavilion is simultaneously a scientific lecture hall, an exhibition and an entertainment center. During physical experiments, the power of electricity is demonstrated by professional staff of the institution. Tourists will see plasma flasks with an inert gas, real lightning of several million volts, a powerful electromagnetic generator that can reduce a five-ruble coin in a split second.

It is amusing to listen to how the piano plays melodies under the influence of lightning discharges. The most brave daredevils can go to the "Cage of Fear", which will be bombarded by discharges of electricity. The apogee of the show will be the lord of seven-meter lightning, who tames the electric element.

Archeology museum

An exhibition of archaeological artifacts has been opened on the territory of the Rosa Khutor ski resort. The exposition is based on ancient objects found during the construction of sports facilities. The unique collection includes household items, tools, jewelry from different eras, animal bones, interesting fossils and much more.

The employees of the complex consider the huge skull of a cave bear to be a significant exhibit. Scientists have established that the beast lived 27 thousand years ago. Modern technologists make it possible to interact with historical materials and view exhibits in their original form.

Interactive platforms and 3D models reproduce prehistoric animals, the development of the Mzymta River basin, the life and life of distant ancestors. It is enough to point the gadget at any of the pictures hung in the museum, and the revived exhibits appear before your eyes.

Museum of the history of the Adler region

Curious guests of the resort are advised to visit the Museum of the History of the Adlerovsky District. The collection includes over 14 thousand items. Five exhibition halls are dedicated to a specific historical period in the development of Adler. The exhibits arouse genuine interest among connoisseurs of antiques and artifacts.

The institution presents archaeological finds telling about the tribes of ancient people, about religious buildings and medieval fortresses. During the excavations, pottery, tools, arrows, jewelry and much more were found. Visitors will learn how the Black Sea coast was joined to the Russian Empire, how the coastline was created, how the land was settled by settlers from other regions.

Documents and photographs reflect Adler's mastery. The exposition acquaints viewers with the difficult periods of the revolution and the Civil War. From the first days of the Great Patriotic War, Adler turned into the largest hospital, which received thousands of wounded Soviet soldiers.

Museum of History of the Khosta District

It is located in a historic building, built before the revolution. Initially, the building served as a people's home. F. Chaliapin and S. Rachmaninov performed their famous works within its walls. V. Mayakovsky performed here, and during the Great Patriotic War the unsurpassed L. Orlova sang for the wounded soldiers and hospital staff.

The exposition acquaints visitors in detail with the history of the formation of the resort place, which has turned from a small village into a popular tourist region. The shelves display manuscripts, photographs, documents, numismatics, paintings and graphics.

The most valuable exhibits are the fossils of ancient creatures, whose age reaches 150 million years. One of the halls displays a collection of clothes, household items, tools of labor of the peoples of the Caucasus of the 19th-20th centuries.


Connoisseurs of natural beauty and landscape design should take a walk through the picturesque botanical garden - Fitofantazia. It is located in the very center of the city next to the Winter Theater. The emergence of a lush green area is associated with the name of the agronomist S. Venchagov, who brought to life his idea of ​​creating a garden of "eternal bloom".

On a small area of ​​1300 m2, exotic trees and shrubs grow, brought from different climatic zones of both hemispheres. A well-groomed narrow path is laid between Indian azaleas, American sequoias, Japanese cypresses, as well as agaves, bananas, junipers and other prominent representatives of the flora.

Tropical and subtropical plants are harmoniously combined with stones, antique vases, dishes, ceramics and various figurines. The special pride of the garden is its ivy-covered wall and decorated with niches with shelves. Sculptural compositions have been carved from fancy tree roots. The central part of the garden is occupied by a pond with golden carps and turtles.

Art glass studio

In the village of Kazachiy Brod, next to the trout-breeding farm, there is an art glass studio. Master glassmakers create real works of art. Skillful products amaze with beauty, shapes, richness of colors. They are handcrafted and distinguished by their exquisite taste. Various creative ideas of artists are embodied in unique glass masterpieces.

More than 200 amazing exhibits are exhibited in the halls. These are sculptures with the smallest details, vases, flowers, animal figurines, a series of zodiac signs, holiday souvenirs and other glass items. Noteworthy are the figures of people engaged in their professional duties. On the windows you can see football players, boxers, banker, golfer, janitor, Cossack, musician, doctor and other funny little people.

Visitors to the studio will have the opportunity to purchase the item they like and get acquainted with the production process. The master will show you an oven in which he heats the glass mass up to 1200 degrees. It will be interesting to watch the work of a glass blower and witness the birth of art products.


A walk through the Sochi arboretum will leave pleasant impressions. A vast green oasis in the middle of the city is one of the main attractions of the resort. Here you can admire numerous exotic plants, fruit and berry bushes, rare trees brought from different countries and continents all year round.

The mountain air, filled with the aromas of pine needles and flowering shrubs, creates a unique healing cocktail for health. The rose garden fascinates with the fragrance of buds and a riot of bright colors. The delightful garden pleases with picturesque alleys, cozy shady paths, white cascading stairs and impressive displays of domestic and foreign flora.

The area of ​​49 hectares consists of two zones connected by a cable car. Greek rotundas and sculptural compositions, fountains and reservoirs, flowerpots and cozy gazebos harmoniously fit into the kingdom of the tropics. The park complex is famous for its rich collection of oaks, pines, cypresses and palms. In addition, various animals and birds live in the arboretum. Raccoons, ostriches, swans, peacocks, turtles and squirrels live here.

Sochi museums on the map


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