Attractions of Sevastopol


At any time of the year, a trip to the city where the history of maritime achievements of the Russian fleet was born will be an unforgettable pleasure. A comfortable climate, beautiful landscapes, the possibilities of numerous sanatoriums create optimal conditions for acquaintance with interesting facts of the historical past of an important section of the Black Sea coast.

It is proposed to find them out during an independent vacation or when traveling with excursions. The sights of Sevastopol cannot be seen in one trip. There are over two thousand historical monuments on its territory alone. Among them there are those who visit first.

Count's pier

The architectural monument is one of the first buildings in the city. At the place where the Greeks lived, the Golden Horde, the khans of the Ottoman Empire, Catherine II ordered the creation of a base for the fleet on the Black Sea. The first pier made of wood grew here in 1783. A convenient transshipment point for ships has appeared. Rear Admiral Count Marko Voinovic has moored his boat more than once here.

He commanded the squadron of Sevastopol, and the pier was named in his honor (for a long time it was called Catherine's). The modern look of the marina was formed in 1846 after the restructuring under the leadership of the Englishman John Upton. Since that time, it has become the main sea entrance to the city. At the top of the snow-white Doric colonnade, the date of the construction of the majestic building is written.

From the slender Doric columns, the main staircase goes to the sea in wide marches. Below it is guarded by huge sculptures of marble lions. There is a legend if you put your palm in the mouth of a lion, then your wish will certainly come true. Throughout its long history, the marina has always participated in important events in the city. Ammunition, food for the bastions were delivered to it, ships were sent.

During the Patriotic War, she suffered greatly. Now it is a working berth. On holidays, celebrations take place here. On the pylons of the colonnade, there are many white marble memorial tablets in honor of names known from historical events. There is a beautiful architectural structure in the western part of the South Bay. It offers a view of the Sevastopol Bay, Konstantinovsky, Mikhailovsky forts, standing on the North side.

Address: Nakhimov Avenue, 4.

Malakhov Kurgan

While walking along Heroes' Street, you will imperceptibly find yourself next to a historical place known for literary works and films. Behind the cast-iron gate, decorated with four double-headed eagles, marked with the dates 1854, 1855, is the legendary tactical height of Sevastopol. Twice fierce battles took place here at an altitude of 97 m: during the Crimean and Great Patriotic War.

To the top of the hill named after Captain Mikhail. Mikhailovich Malakhov. His house stood at the foot of the city plan in 1852. Almost immediately, the Kornilov defensive bastion was erected here, which has survived to our time. It is proposed to go to the territory of the memorial complex through a three-level amphitheater and side stairs. There are observation platforms on each tier, and the central part looks like a French park with beautifully trimmed bushes.

The tiered location of the viewing areas allows you to see the Southern Bay and the city. Everywhere there are memorial cast-iron plates with the names of the batteries: "Battery No. 84 Nikiforov". "Battery No. 28 of Stanislavsky", "Battery No. 18 of Panfirov", guns, guns of 1941-42. The green Alley of Friendship, planted by representatives of various delegations after the victory in the Patriotic War, passes through the mound.

Interesting facts are connected with the hill: Admiral Kornilov died here (a monument was erected), the seriously wounded father of the future ruler of Russia Kolchak was found. In honor of the Russian and French soldiers who died defending the city and were buried in a mass grave, a monument of snow-white marble was erected. The Eternal Flame was lit on the mound for the first time. It was the third memorial in the world. Equipped with the Museum of Liberation and Heroic Battles with permanent and temporary exhibitions.

Address: Memorial Complex of Sevastopol. Nearby there is a stop for trolleybuses 17, 1, 7, minibuses.

Defensive tower of the Kornilov bastion

During the Crimean War, by order of General Moller, 8 bastions were created to protect the city. They stretch 7.5 km from Kilen Balka to Aleksandrovskaya Bay. One bastion had no number. He towered on the Malakhov Kurgan. The fortification structure (donjon or a stone multi-storey tower) was built at the expense of the residents of the city according to the project of the military engineer Starchenko.

The defensive tower with a diameter of about 15 m was built of Inkerman stone and looks like a horseshoe. It has thick walls of two tiers, 52 loopholes, 5 cannons, a gunpowder cellar, and a room for storing provisions. It was planned to make an underground passage from the tower, but it did not work out. The first commandant of the defensive structure was Lieutenant Colonel Artsybashev.

From the fiery torch (it burned until 1989), installed on the roof of the lower tier, they lit the Eternal Flame in Kerch, Odessa, Novorossiysk, on Sapun Mountain. Now the Museum is located in the defensive structure of the Kornilov Bastion. In its expositions there are samples of uniforms, soldier's household items, awards, lithographs that convey the true events of the first defense on the Malakhov Kurgan.

Monument to the Scuttled Ships

Since 1969, the image of the monument has been included in the drawing of the coat of arms of Sevastopol. Walking along Primorsky Boulevard, a rock with a column and a figure of an eagle holding an anchor and a laurel wreath in its beak is clearly visible. At the base of the monument there is a bronze slab with lines of sinking of ships in the Sevastopol Bay. The inscription "In memory of the ships sunk in 1854 and 1855 to block the entrance to the roadstead" speaks of the unusual fate of the ships of the Black Sea Fleet.

By their death, they saved the city, blocking the entrance to enemy ships. This happened during the difficult moments of the defeat on the Alma River in 1854. The Russian command made the only correct decision to flood the old ships and not let the enemy into the city. Among them are the frigates "Flora", "Sizopol", "Cahul", "Midia". Ships "Silistria", "Varna", "Twelve Apostles", "Selefail" and others.

90 ships found their last berth here. It took 10 years to clear the bay in the post-war years. In 1905, in honor of the 50th anniversary of the first defense of the city, an unusual monument was erected on an artificial rock in the sea. In 1949, it was possible to clarify the name of the author of the project - the sculptor from Estonia Amandus Adamson.

The monument withstood the war years, the devastating earthquake of 1927 and became the most famous historical monument of the resort. It is proposed to see it from Nakhimov Square, Primorsky Boulevard. They are located in the city center.

Panorama "Defense of Sevastopol 1854-1855"

The city's heroic past is represented by rich exhibitions in the largest museum formation, created in 1960. The museum's collections include over 150 thousand exhibits related to the events of the Crimean War. The first exhibit of the museum was the legendary panorama of the battles of the city's defense. The fate of Russia on the Balkan Peninsula was decided at the walls of the resort's defenses.

In the memory of the people, the reflection of the difficult period appeared in the unique canvas of the panorama, which was one of the largest works of this kind in the world. The basis of the compositions is performed by types of real battles, located on an area 115 m long and 14 m high. There is a panorama on the second floor and it is proposed to go to it by a spiral staircase.

The author's idea was realized from a view on the top of the Malakhov Kurgan. The image shows what happened at all stages of the battle: in the rear, on the approaches, in hand-to-hand combat on the Gervais battery. The events date back to 6 (18) June 1855 out of 349 days of defense. The creator of the "live image of battle" is the Russian battle painter F.A. Roubaud.

Address: Historical Boulevard. The Panorama Museum is located next to the bus and railway stations. Go to the stop "Panorama" or "Ploschad Ushakova".

Konstantinovskaya battery

The legendary Konstantinovskaya battery was included in the number of defensive structures of the city's first line of defense during the Crimean War. It was erected in 1840 and named after Prince Konstantin Pavlovich (grandson of Catherine II). A two-tiered stone structure in the shape of a horseshoe is located in the Northern section of the Sevastopol Bay. Its length is 230 m, width is 25 m.

The fortress rises 12 meters above the sea. Battery guns controlled the water area of ​​the bay when foreign ships entered the roadstead during the 19th and 20th centuries. One of the main military fortresses of Russia received its baptism of fire during the first bombardment in October 1854 from 11 British ships. The last restoration of the fortress was carried out in 2017. It is open to visitors as a museum.

There are permanent exhibitions: "The history of the Russian Geographical Society in persons, photographs and facts", "Konstantinovskaya battery: two centuries on the guard of the Motherland." On the upper tier there is an observation deck that offers a view of the city. Despite the loss of the military direction in the life of the fortress, every day a midday cannon shot is heard from the Konstantinovsky Fort.

This tradition was born in 1819 and later became the custom of many port cities (St. Petersburg, Vladivostok, Kronstadt). At 12 o'clock in the afternoon a shot is heard, in the Sailor's Club the chimes with the melody "Legendary Sevastopol" are heard, and bottles are beaten on the ships.

Address: st. Zagordyansky, 24 on the north side. It is convenient to go by taxi or bus from Zakharov Square.

St. Vladimir's Cathedral

A functioning Orthodox church (aka the Admiralty Cathedral) is located in the central part of the city. It rises on the top of the Central Hill and fills the city with calmness, confidence, the spirit of the traditions of the port city, its heroic past. The project was developed by K.A. Tone. It was supplemented and revised by the architect A.A. Avdeev.

The idea of ​​building the temple belongs to Admiral Lazarev. Here, in a simple crypt, before the construction of the building, Lazarev was buried. Later, burials of prominent admirals Kornilov, Nakhimov, Istomin appeared next to him (the total number of famous burials is 9). The last restoration of the Temple took place in 2011. The plot paintings have been restored, the dome, the cross above it, and commemorative plaques with the names of the admirals flashed.

Ten bells sounded from the restored belfry again. On one of them, a bas-relief was created with an image and memorable texts about the four admirals. The upper part of the temple belongs to the believers. In the lower part and nearby is the tomb of famous admirals who created the history of the city. There is also a permanent exhibition called "The cross over the tomb of the saint shines with golden radiance."

According to the traditions of sea churches in the Vladimir Cathedral, pennants of ships, St. Andrew's flags were consecrated. Every year on May 13, under the arches of the Cathedral, lines of a prayer service dedicated to the Black Sea Fleet are heard, a memorial service is held for the dead sailors on the cruiser Varyag and the Kursk boat.

Address: st. Suvorov, 3.

Victory Park

The heroism of the city is reflected in the numerous monuments that have become famous landmarks outside the country. The city remembers not only its victories, but with a low bow it refers to the heroism of all cities of Russia. In their honor and as a sign of the celebrations of the 30th anniversary of victory in 1975, Victory Park was founded. The main idea of ​​its appearance was the creation of memory alleys dedicated to a specific hero city that suffered during the Patriotic War.

An interesting fact is the choice of a tree for the alley: Moscow is represented by shaggy firs, snow-white birches. Kiev is famous for its chestnuts. Sevastopol repeats the thickets of the famous acacia groves. Novorossiysk is represented by an alley of walnut trees, Minsk willows, Leningrad - linden trees, Tula - birches, Volgograd with slender poplars (on May 9, 2014, a new plantation appeared in Victory Park - the Alley of Russia with plants from different places).

All alleys lead to the seashore. They seem to be meeting their heroes who have created a peaceful life in this area of ​​Crimea. After restoration, Victory Park still adorns the monument to St. George the Victorious. The Rotunda was erected, the "Silent Echo of War" monument in the form of a small chapel of Alexander Nevsky was renewed. The park has become a favorite resting place for residents and guests of the city.

Address ": st. Admiral Fadeev.

Chersonesos Tauride

A world-class archaeological monument is considered a unique ancient city that arose in ancient times. In 528 BC, Chersonesos (Kherson, Korsun) Taurichesky appeared in the role of a colony in the western part of Heraclius of Pontic. The double name is explained by the fact that the Greeks called the Crimean peninsula Taurica. For over 1000 years, the city was the capital of the Byzantine Empire on the peninsula.

The appearance of the city changed, instead of statues of ancient gods, Christian temples and basilicas appeared. The great names of Andrew the First-Called, Pope Martin, brothers Cyril and Methodius, Grand Duke Vladimir are associated with the ancient city. A beautiful Cathedral rises here in his honor. The cities were emptied after the capture of the Turks in 1475.

Its significance and glory are revived in 300 years together with the birth of Sevastopol. Modern archaeological excavations allow us to see 30% of the ancient city. The reserve includes streets, remains of a theater, temples, medieval fortresses. The open-air historical and archaeological museum includes the medieval fortresses of Kalamita, Cembalo, and the Italian courtyard.

On the coastal strip, the white columns of an ancient basilica rise. Her name has not yet been established. Of interest is the signal bell installed on the shore. According to the surviving documents, the rest of the bells were taken away as trophies. Of particular interest was the ancient theater of Chersonesos, which existed until the 4th century. Then a “Temple with an Ark” was erected in its place (the found ark is kept in the Hermitage of St. Petersburg).

Address: st. Ancient, 1. Go to the stop "st. Dmitry Ulyanov ".

Cape Fiolent

There are many beautiful natural places in Crimea. Among them, Cape Fiolet, or by its first name, Georgievsky, occupies a special place. According to one of the legends of the appearance of the cape (as a sign of prayers for the help of a sinking ship), the rescued sailors erected a church in honor of the Savior George the Victorious. There are no man-made sights on the cape. Mother Nature became the main “architect” here.

It seems that she tried to create a unique place here, attracting the mighty forces of volcanoes. Almost 160 million years ago, the eruption of a dormant volcano gave rise to bizarre shapes from frozen lava flows. A lot of natural formations appeared in the form of rocks of an unusual shape, caves, grottoes, atolls, places for an underwater kingdom among azure water. Juniper bushes grow all over the cape.

Together with the sea scent, they form the healing mountain air. This attracts residents and guests of the surrounding area for recreation, exciting fishing, diving. You can swim in the sea and see dolphins by going down a high staircase ("Stairway to Heaven"), which has become a landmark of the island. They say that it is during the descent along the 891 steps that a person breathes the most salubrious air of Crimea.

It is suggested to get there by boat or by bus # 3, coming from TSUMA.

St. George Monastery

The appearance of the monastery temple, sparkling in the rays of the southern sun, looks like a miracle that meets sailors when approaching Sevastopol.Immediately there is a desire to find out how Orthodoxy came to Ancient Russia, where was the Grand Duke Vladimir baptized? What secrets are hidden behind the creation, the life of the monastery, which has withstood cruel wars.

The legend about the salvation of the sailors and their erection of a monastery on the site of the ancient cave church, where the saving icon of St. George was kept, is coming true. For a long time, the monastery was an important base for the servants of the navy. Hundreds of ships passing nearby fired cannon salutes, and the monks accompanied them with bells.

During the Patriotic War, there was a hospital in the monastery, a cemetery for the dead soldiers was formed nearby. The restoration of the monastery took place at the end of the last century, the priests returned. The first service took place in 1993. In honor of the 1100th anniversary of the founding of the monastery, the cross on the Appearance rock flashed again.

The buildings of the monastic building, the chapel, the church of St. George. Believers, vacationers, lovers of the history of their country strive to come here. It is best to see the active male monastery (the oldest among the Orthodox churches in Russia), walk through the territory with interesting monuments, a rotunda, a small park together with a guided tour.

Diorama "Storming Sapun Mountain"

The battle on Sapun Gora played a key role in the liberation of the city. At legendary heights, at the cost of their lives, the soldiers won the opportunity to install guns in a strategically important place. In memory of this victory, a memorial complex was created at the site of historical events. It includes the Diorama "Assault on the Sapun Mountain Mountain on May 7, 1944", an exposition of captured equipment, memorial walls, the Walk of Fame, and the Eternal Flame.

A diorama is a painting on a huge canvas. Its dimensions are 25.5 m long and 5.5 m wide. The diorama is one of the largest artistic paintings in the world. It reflects the true events of the battle, compiled from the recollections of eyewitnesses. Some of the participants in the battle became sitters when creating the picture.

Next to the diorama are additional "live" scenery of the fighting moments of the battle. The painting contains elements of the landscape with trenches, potholes, craters, dugouts. The impression of the reality of events is enhanced by music and exhibits of military equipment in the open-air museum. Each element of the memorial complex must be examined, studied separately.

It is proposed to finish the inspection at a small chapel in honor of St. George the Victorious. Newlyweds come here, graduates of schools traditionally meet the dawn here.

Diana's grotto

The power of nature is felt in this place with unusual strength. A mysterious arch between vertical cliffs looks like a window leading to a mysterious, unknown world. The awakened volcano created islands, capes with fantastic rock formations. Legends and myths were composed about them, which are difficult to distinguish from real events.

So the spur of the island of Fiolent or Cape Lermontov (named after the owner of the nearest dacha, and having no connection with the famous poet) is covered with legends about the ancient Temple of the Virgin, cruel customs of sacrifice. The doomed were thrown into the sea from the steps of the marble staircase (there were 40 of them) leading to the snow-white altar. Most often, young women were dumped as a gift to the goddess of the hunt, Diana.

The exact location of the temple is still unknown. On the elongated rock, nature has created an arch-shaped hole above sea level. The passage is 10 - 15 m long and is called Diana's Grotto. It has a surface and an underwater part with a depth of 2 to 12 m. Having floated under the arch through a dark tunnel, you get an adrenaline rush, and there is a desire to find yourself in the rays of the sun as soon as possible.

The picturesque grotto can be seen from the western part of the cape. It is impossible to reach the arch by land. It is suggested to fully explore the grotto during excursions, for example, on the "Caravel" or on your own boat rental. At the same time, it is allowed to swim, snorkel, and dive.

Address: Cape Lermontov, Fiolent.

Mikhailovskaya battery

The task of protecting the city from the sea has always existed. For this, structures were built in the form of batteries, bastions, fortresses. They were erected on earthen ramparts, natural heights. Many places were indicated by the famous commander Suvorov. By the beginning of the Crimean War, five stone defenses were built. Among them was the Mikhailovskaya Battery.

It was built in 1846 and named after Mikhail, the son of Nicholas I. It was almost invisible from the sea side: the walls of local limestone merged with the sea coast. The appearance of a long fort (over 200 m), mighty walls, up to 2 m thick, remained the same as when the French, Turkish, German invaders met. After the restoration, the original interior of the fort has been completely restored.

Since 2014, a museum complex called "Mikhailovskaya Battery" has been housed in the battery casemates and garrison buildings. It is a branch of the Museum of Military Historical Fortifications of Russia. The main exhibits dedicated to the Crimean War are items from the Sheremetyevs' private collection.

The Museum offers to look at the household items of soldiers, photographs, military uniforms, weapons. A composition of the figures of a wounded soldier and a nurse providing assistance has been created in a separate room. Films of the military chronicle are constantly shown on a large multi-media screen.

Address: st. Gromova 35/1.

Barrel of death

In the vicinity, on the mountain peaks, defensive structures of forts of different directions were built. One of them, which has an unusual barrel shape, is located on Mount Asketi or "Hermit" at an altitude of 350 m above sea level. This is an observation element of the Southern Fort, created near Balaklava during the Crimean War. You will not see the fort while standing under the mountain.

Only a strange barrel-shaped structure made of metal with ancient loopholes, hanging over a mountain cliff, is visible from the seashore. The diameter of the barrel is 2 m. One part of the barrel is fixed on the rock, while the other hangs over the cliff. During the excursions, you are invited to listen to interesting legends about the life of an insane hermit on the mountain, the atrocities of the Nazis, throwing captive sailors into the sea.

They are said to have destroyed the second barrel. To see the attraction on your own, you need to come to Balaklava and walk.

35th armored turret battery

The urgent need to strengthen the city, as an important base of the Black Sea Fleet, arose at the beginning of the 20th century under Emperor Nicholas II. The most convenient places in the Crimea were chosen for the construction of protective structures. Battery No. 35 was erected near the mouth of the Belbek River in the Kazachya Bay. From its loopholes it was possible to control, fire on the enemy's field operations in a circular sector at a distance of 42 km.

Later, this played a decisive role during the second defense of the city in 1941-42. The battery was baptized by fire on November 7, 1941. Together with the hostilities, towers and other structures damaged by the Germans were restored (according to their documents, the powerful fortification was called "Maxim Gorky II"). Now the territory of the battery is included in the historical and memorial complex.

Its area is 80,000 km 2. All protection elements are being gradually restored. The complex includes the Pantheon of Memory, Necropolis, Monument-map, chapel, Mass grave, Command post. Since 2008, the 35th Coastal Battery Museum has been operating at the site of the last battles of the city's defense. It hosts permanent exhibitions. The main exposition is housed in the former casemates. Special routes have been developed for excursions. Including huge underground rooms.

Address: Cossack Bay, Alley of defenders of the 35th battery. There is a public transport stop nearby.

Military History Museum of the Black Sea Fleet

It is difficult to count the military victories of the Russian Black Sea Fleet over the period of its existence since 1783.In the memory of people, they are preserved for centuries in the form of literary works, films, paintings, original monuments, sculptural compositions. The exhibitions of the Museum are dedicated to one of such eternal monuments to the heroism of fearless sailors.

Finding it is quite simple: this is a beautiful building of the central part of the resort for females. At the entrance there is a bust of Peter I, and the entire building is decorated with anchors, cannons, and various symbols of the maritime theme. The building was built specifically for the museum in 1895. Until that time, for almost 25 years, the exhibits were in the house of General Totlebin.

Over the years, the museum has turned into a treasury of exhibits demonstrating all stages of the life of the fleet, its participation in all the wars that raged over the Crimea, and campaigns in other countries. They were housed in 8 thematic halls from exposition elements in the form of documents, maps, awards, weapons, clothing, etc.

Address: st. Lenin, 11.

Lovers' bridge

Despite the fact that a beautiful landmark appeared in the city in honor of the 50th anniversary of the defense of Sevastopol in 1844-1845, it is the most peaceful monument, popular with the younger generation. Here, on the way to the embankment at the end of Primorsky Boulevard, lovers find a place for solitude, tired tourists rest on comfortable and sheltered benches. A beautiful bridge connects two steep slopes in an original way.

At both ends there are majestic bas-reliefs of dragons attacking the city's coat of arms. It depicts the figure of a griffin as a heraldic symbol of strength, courage, courage. At the same time, the figures of dragons denote threat, danger, surprise of the dark forces. The first name of the building was the Admiralty or Arm bridge. Later it became known as Dragons and Lovers' Bridge.

The wreaths that adorn the bridge indicate the years of defense in the Crimean War. The popular romantic attraction is considered one of the symbols of the resort. Tradition was born here: newlyweds (just couples) pass under the bridge holding hands. In a special place, new families leave their lock as a sign of eternal love. There is a legend according to which Saint Valentine himself decorates the territory with rose petals on his holiday.

Baydar Gate

The construction of a new road in any country expands its trade, transport, military capabilities and is considered an important event. A lot of labor and funds are spent on the construction of the necessary routes. Especially if they pass through the mountains. Serpentine ribbons scare, fascinate, amaze with the grandeur of complex projects. Such a road appeared between Yalta and Simferopol.

It “cut through” the mountain range and descended from the mountains near the village of Baydary, from where the name Baydarskiy Pass originated. The entrance to it is marked by a gate-shaped monument made of powerful stone blocks, built in 1848. The Baydar Gate is located at an altitude of 604 m above sea level between the Chelebi and Chhu-Bair mountains. There is a popular observation deck for visitors.

It offers a view of Foross, Cape Aya, the sea expanses of Laspi Bay. On both sides of the gate there are rectangular pedestals, giving them the appearance of a monumental defensive structure. One of them has a small room. It offers a snack, a rest. The width of the gate is small, so a detour has been made to allow two cars to pass.

Address: Baydarskiye Vorota pass, Orlinoe village. The distance to Yalta is 44 km. There is a bus from the city. The bus stop is nearby.


During sea trips, the meeting with amazing animals, striking with their extraordinary smile, graceful figure - dolphins, is perceived with great joy. No one is afraid of them, but only cheerful children's laughter, the joy of communication accompany the frolicking wizards. Their amazing abilities to help in rescuing, healing, searching for treasures live in interesting legends.

One of the largest dolphinariums in Europe is invited to get to know them better, to evaluate their capabilities. It is located in the Cossack Bay next to the scientific center of the state oceanarium. Thanks to his work, a unique “hotel” for intelligent sea animals has been created opposite the old airfield.

Here you can watch the show of fur seals, white whales, dolphins. They juggle, paint, dance hip-hop. Dolphins amaze with their jumps, seals with magic songs, and a whale will shower visitors with sea spray. You can swim with dolphins, listen to his underwater ultrasounds, which have a positive effect on immunity and the nervous system.

Eco-park Lukomorye

After exploring the numerous historical sights, it becomes necessary to rest, relax, "digest" the memories of its difficult pages. This is especially important when traveling with children. And then you cannot go through the amazing place of fairy tales created in the ecological park.

Here the heroes of Pushkin's Lukomorye fairy tales "live", there are numerous attractions, cafes with delicious delicacies. On the territory, you can organize any special event, for example, a child's birthday. A special feature of the park is the creation of thematic museums: ice cream, marmalade, "An Indian in the land of chocolate", "Cosmos is calling", a museum of Soviet childhood, which contains toys, household appliances in the form of cassette recorders, etc.

The "Dinosaur Museum" amazes with life-size figures of animals and completely similar to extinct ancestors (there are 18 of them). There are many modern attractions in the park. Among them are "Cartoons", when the fairy-tale characters of your favorite cartoons are placed at an altitude of 200 m in a huge, safe "sandbox". In the local zoo, it is allowed to feed and pet the kind animals. A delicious lunch awaits the walkers in the Melnitsa cafe.

Address: Victory Avenue 1a.

Monument to Nakhimov

The 5.4 m high bronze figure of the famous hero, like the eternal talisman of the city, protects him from harm, protects him in any situation. The name of the admiral, his exploits will live forever. As a memory of the great personality of the Black Sea Fleet, a monument rises on the central square named after him. Nakhimov commanded a squadron during the Crimean War, defeated Turkish soldiers during the Battle of Sinop, and after the death of Kornilov led the defense of the city.

The monument was erected twice. The modern landmark appeared in November 1959. On the initial basis, Nakhimov proudly rises to his full height, as if he were alive: in an admiral's uniform with epaulets, a cap on his head, with a broadsword on his side (in the original version there was a Turkish saber).

In the right hand there is a telescope, the left is laid behind the back. On the pedestal there are three bas-reliefs depicting episodes from the life of the admiral. You can read the text of one of the orders, engraved on the plate. It was a call to attack the enemy. The unique admiral died in June 1855. A memorial plate was installed at the place of death, and his ashes are in the famous tomb of the Vladimir Cathedral.

Address: Nakhimov Square. You can come on numerous routes of city buses, trolley buses.

Aquarium Museum

It is not at all necessary to be a brave diver to walk along the seabed and see its inhabitants. Modern virtual travels are interesting, but they do not replace an almost intimate acquaintance with the inhabitants of the underwater kingdom. But you can “walk” along the bottom of the famous aquarium, see the real inhabitants of not only the Black Sea, but also the inhabitants of the secret corners of the oceans, the seas of the planet, in the museum complex “Sevastopol Aquarium”.

It appeared in 1971 in a building built in 1897, which belongs to the city biological station. Its demonstration tank was inhabited by marine life. Scientists have studied their behavior, life. After the expansion of the territory, the creation of new departments, five halls were formed here, accessible for inspection and equipped with modern technology.Now it is the largest aquarium in Crimea, where you can see sharks, moray eels, sea turtles, crocodiles, piranhas, and mysterious stingrays.

Address: Nakhimov Ave., 2.

Museum Underground Sevastopol

A new type of military action has appeared on our planet since the moment of the brutal nuclear strike on the cities of Japan. Rich countries developing nuclear weapons began to look for options for their own protection in such actions. In the impenetrable mountains, underground, they began to build bunkers, bomb shelters. Their location was the primary point of a nuclear strike.

The Civil Defense Services received a special status and were responsible for structures used in a nuclear war. In Crimea, the S-2 shelter became such a protection zone for Sevastopol. It is an autonomous underground city with all communications, an artesian well, an energy system, telephone and radio frequency communications, and a food warehouse.

Important city services were to be moved here. The entrance to the classified object is located at a depth of 50 m in the thickness of the hill. It is equipped with two gateway systems. All parts of the shelter are made according to the principle of submarine premises: they can be isolated at any time. All the elements of the shelter have been preserved, and you can see them only with an excursion to the Museum "Underground Sevastopol". It started work in 2018.

Address: st. Lenin, 11.

St. Nicholas Church

According to ancient Christian customs, every believer must perform the sacrament rite before death. But here, in the northern part of the city, thousands of soldiers could not do it. Under enemy fire, they died untimely. The most fierce battles of the first defense of the city took place in this place. On one of the hills, a cemetery appeared with large mass graves for the burial of the city's defenders.

Already in 1857, the construction of the Temple began, where services are being held today, prayers are read in honor of the departed heroes. The eternal memory of them is expressed by the architecture of an amazing and unusual type of churches. The monumental building of the temple complex was created by the architect Avdeev and is a "pyramid of eternity", similar to an Egyptian building.

At the top it is decorated with a 16-ton cross, about 7 m high. It has a complicated history and now the pyramid is decorated with a new cross. The height of the building is 27 m, the width is over 20 m. On the outside of the temple, plates with a list of units and military units that took part in the battle were fixed. Inside the pyramid, 38 black marble planks were placed with the names of 943 dead officers, admirals and generals.

The entrance to the church is arranged through beautiful bronze doors; the walls are decorated with mosaic paintings of the Byzantine style. These were originally frescoes. The sight, which has become the spiritual symbol of the city, is clearly visible from anywhere in its center.

Address: st. Bogdanov, 43.

Monument to the sailor and the soldier

Looking at the figures of the warriors calling to start an attack on the enemy, one cannot but recall the bloody battles for the Crimean peninsula. During the Patriotic War, Sevastopol was the most important staging area for military operations. The Germans, the remnants of Vlasov's army, and the Romanian divisions tried with all their might to capture the city. Thanks to the coordinated action of the naval and ground forces, it was possible to stop the enemy.

On May 8, 1944, by an accurate air strike, almost 85% of the German-Romanian fleet was sunk at a distance of 5 km from the coast. A day later, the strait near the city was strewn with the corpses of the Germans fleeing by swimming. And on the flagpole of the Grafskaya wharf, the peakless cap and vest of the sailors of the Black Sea Fleet began to develop. The whole city flashed with red flags of victory.

In memory of the victory, a majestic monument was erected on the shore of the Crystal Bay, symbolizing the victory achieved by the unity of the forces of land and sea. The beginning of its construction was in 1981, and only in 2007, solemn events were held to unveil the monument.

Address: Kapitanskaya street. You can get there from the city bus station by bus 109, minibuses, trolleybus 22.7, 9 to the stop at Lazarev Square.

Cathedral of the Intercession

The domes of the Intercession Cathedral, one of the most beautiful buildings, erected in 1905, serve as a vivid decoration of the city. They sparkle with gilding, attract attention with crosses growing from crescents (tsats). This is not an affiliation of the symbolism of Islam. In the city of sailors, the presence of crescents with a cross expresses hope, a safe anchor for complex marine life.

After the restoration of the damage to the cathedral, received during the Patriotic War, services were regularly held there until 1962. A new misfortune flashed over the priceless temple and its premises were given to the city archive, the gym. The return of the church to believers began with the handover of the north side chapel in 1992. After 2 years, the Temple was completely transferred to the churches.

Now it is a full-fledged functioning Cathedral, whose life has been going on for the second century. The 9 thrones of the Cathedral of the Most Holy Theotokos are dedicated to the saints: Panteleimon, Prince Vladimir, Seraphim of Sarov, the Apostles Peter and Paul, the Theotokos, Saints Faith, Hope, Love, Sophia. The architectural model for the construction of the Cathedral was taken from the look of the style of Russian churches of the 16th century.

The main decorations were kokoshniks, friezes, and other stone elements. Among the priceless shrines of the Temple, worthy of worship, are particles of the relics of the famous warrior Theodore (Ushakov), Archbishop Luke. There is a legend according to which Lieutenant Schmidt was buried in the basement of the cathedral.

Unfortunately, the location of the crypt has not been found and the version about the ancient temple of Sophia, underground passages leading to different parts of the city has not yet been proven. Restoration and prospecting work continues and someday new facts about the majestic sight of the city will become known.

Address: st. Bolshaya Morskaya, 36.

Vladimirsky Cathedral in Chersonesos

The land of Tavria keeps many unsolved pages of history. Since ancient times, archaeological excavations have been carried out on its territory. In 1827, under the leadership of Kruse, the castle mound revealed its secrets and confirmed that the baptism of Rus by Prince Vladimir in 988 took place here.

As a sign of this event, it was decided to build a Christian church. The idea of ​​creating an ancient structure on the site belongs to the commander-in-chief of the fleet, Greig. The project was developed by the architect D.I. Grimm. The first stone at the beginning of construction was laid in 1861 with the participation of Emperor Alexander II and Maria Alexandrovna.

Only 15 years later, the majestic cathedral, built using architectural elements of the Byzantine style, opened its doors to parishioners. It was decorated with a large brass bell. In the lower part there were marble columns and crosses. Two massive staircases made of granite slabs led to the second floor. The interior was designed by famous artists.

Here A.I. Korzukhin painted the painting "The Last Supper", which has become the hallmark of the Temple. Over 70 valuable icons adorned its walls. A severe shock in its history took place in 1922, when all values ​​were taken out. The last service and the last bell ringing took place in 1926. Since that time, the Cathedral has become a museum. Only 8 monks were allowed to stay in the same place. Now the acting Vladimir Cathedral in Chersonesos again sparkles with grandeur and beauty.

It is proposed to see him at the address: st. Ancient, 1.

Monument to Kazarsky

Among the naval exploits performed in the defense of his native city, there is one, which was reflected in the form of the first monument, opened in 1839. The initiator of its creation was the famous Admiral of the Black Sea Fleet Mikhail Lazarev. Among the ships of the fleet was a small 18-gun brig "Mercury". It was commanded by a young lieutenant commander Kazarsky.

In May 1829, in an unequal battle with the powerful battleships of Turkey, he won a legendary victory.Despite the enemy's superiority over the "Mercury", courage, a daring attack on fortified ships, led to the loss of speed of movement of the enemy ships and withdrawal from the battle. It was a maneuver of unusual courage, dexterity of maneuvering, and Kazarsky's talent.

In honor of the heroic deed, a monument in the form of a truncated pyramid, reminiscent of a ship sailing on the waves, was erected at the top of the Central Hill. The top of the pyramid is decorated with a bronze boat. A laconic inscription is carved on the pedestal: “Kazarsky. For posterity as an example. " Address: opposite Nakhimov Square, behind the Eternal Flame.

Cembalo fortress

In every corner of Crimea, traces of the life of many peoples, ruling empires of bygone times, have been preserved. Archaeological excavations add information about the powerful fortresses erected by Greeks, Byzantines, Genoese. These are the defensive structures of Kafa (Feodosia), Soldaya (Sudak), Chembalo (Balaklava) and others.

The ruins of the fortress that defended the Balaklava Bay have survived on Mount Kastron. The fortress was founded between 1357 and 1467. Features of the style of erection of Genoese fortresses consisted in the formation of protective walls in the form of two rings. Workers lived on the territory of the first ring, there were workshops.

The consul's house, dwellings of the nobility, storage facilities were located behind the second ring. Later, the Upper (St. Nicholas) and Lower (St. George) cities with castles were formed here. Square towers were erected along the edges of the fortress. In 1460, the main Donjon tower with a lighthouse and a lookout platform appeared. The ruins of the fortress have been preserved on the left bank of the bay.

Theatrical performances are held here in summer. You are allowed to look at the collection of costumes, try on the ancient attire of the knights, touch the firearms of medieval times. The easiest way to see them is with a guided tour.

Sights of Sevastopol on the map


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